Ocean Notorious Page 14
Auckland Islands 38, 52–58
coastwatching station 29–36
Enderby Island 33–34, 90–91, 175
merganser (duck) 53–57
Māori settlement 34
Aurora expedition see Australasian Antarctic Expedition
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (1911–14) 64–65, 114–115, 119–122, 121
Back, Ken 21–25
Bay of Whales 167–168, 168, 172–173
birders 14–15, 56–58, 70, 72
albatross, black–browed 21, 23, 41
albatross, light–mantled sooty 104–105
albatross, royal 40, 90, 105
albatross, Salvin’s 14–15, 16
merganser (duck) 51, 53–57
penguin, Adélie 16, 124, 128–130, 135, 136
penguin, emperor 69, 71
penguin, erect–crested 15
penguin, king 22, 59, 63–65, 68, 69–74
petrel, blue 22, 66
petrel, southern giant 22
prion, fulmar 15
shag, Bounty Island 15
shearwater, sooty 22
skua, brown 68, 129, 168
snipe, Auckland Islands 90, 90–91
teal, Campbell Island 57, 56–58
Bish, George 36
Bjaaland, Olav 139, 171, 173
black–browed albatross 21, 23, 41
Bligh, Lieutenant William 15
blue petrel 22, 66
Bounty Island shag 15
Bounty Islands 13, 16, 13–18, 19, 24
Depot Island 15
guano 15–17
Proclamation Island 15
Bowers, Henry 152
British Antarctic Expedition (1907–09) 114–115, 117–118
British Antarctic Expedition see Terra Nova Expedition (1910–13)
British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition see Discovery Expedition (1929–30)
British National Antarctic Expedition see Discovery Expedition (1901–04)
Brown, Claud 48
Byrd, Richard 149–151, 150, 173
dementia 150–151
Little America II base 150
Buller, Walter Lawry 41, 54
History of the Birds of New Zealand, A (book) 41
Campbell Islands 29
Campbell Island 28, 43, 45–50, 175
Campbell Island teal 56–58, 57
Dent Island 56, 57
Perseverance Harbour 28
Cape Denison 114, 119–122, 121
Cape Royds 123, 124, 125–130, 126
Cary, Craig 132–133
Chile 140
Juan Fernández Islands 22
Clark, Gerry 19, 19–25
Ketiga (yacht) 21
Totorore (yacht) 19, 22, 24, 21–25
Totorore Voyage, The (book) 25
Clifton, Les 32
see also coastwatchers
climate science see ANDRILL
coastwatchers (New Zealand) 27, 27–36
blue blowfly, New Zealand 35–36
cooking 33–35
hut 27
hut, remains of (Carnley Harbour) 35
Year Away (Turbott) 31
Commonwealth Bay see Cape Denison
conservation 38, 65–66, 175–176
Cook, Captain James 4
core samples 50, 98, 160–164
diatoms in 162, 163
ice 98
microfossils in 164
Sitka spruce 50
crabeater seal 131–133
Crozet Archipelago 23
David, Edgeworth 117–118, 118
Dent Island see Campbell Islands
Depot Island see Bounty Islands
Discovery Expedition (1901–04) 124
Dougall, William 17
Dracophyllum 45–46
D. longifolium 45–46
D. scoparium 45
Dry Valleys 130–133, 131
Dumas, Vito 77, 77–81, 83–84
Alone Through the Roaring Forties (book) 79
Buenos Aires, reception in 83–84
Lehg II (yacht) 79, 80, 83
postage stamp 84
d’Urville, Jules Dumont 53, 117
in Auckland Islands 53
Eden, Allan see coastwatchers
elephant seal 59, 60, 62, 63
Enderby Island see Auckland Islands
Endurance Expedition (1914–17) 134, 134
England, Rupert 126
erect–crested penguin 15
Erlangen (ship) 29
Evans, Edgar 152
expeditions, historic
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (Mawson, 1911–14) 64–65, 114–115, 119–122, 121
British Antarctic Expedition (Shackleton, 1907–09) 114–115, 117–118
Discovery Expedition (Mawson, 1929–30) 30
Discovery Expedition (Scott, 1901–04) 124
Endurance Expedition (Shackleton, 1914–17) 134, 134
Shackleton–Rowett Expedition (Shackleton, 1921–22) 135
South Pole Expedition (Amundsen, 1910–11) 101–102, 133, 138, 166–168, 169–171
Terra Nova Expedition (Scott, 1910–13) 119, 151
exploration see individual explorers and expeditions
Falla, Robert 30, 35
see also coastwatchers
Fleming, Charles 30
see also coastwatchers
fossil fuel consumption 159
Fram (ship) 96, 97, 101–102, 167, 173
fulmar prion 15
German ships 18–19
Erlangen 19
Godman, Lloyd 38, 40
Hallé, Francis 47–48
Hammond, Bill 37–41, 40
Auckland Islands, visit to 38–39
exhibition 38
Placemaker I (painting) 37
Hanssen, Helmer 171, 173
Hassel, Sverre 171, 173
Hasselburg, Captain Frederick 61–62
Hatch, Joseph 63–65
steam–pressure digester 64
History of the Birds of New Zealand, A (Buller) 41
Huntford, Roland 135
Scott and Amundsen (book) 135
Hutton, Frederick Wollaston 55
icebergs 96–101
B–15A 99–100, 175
colour 96–97, 101
core samples 98
genesis 98
nomenclature 98
water composition 98
icebreaker, Professor Khromov 85, 101
Imperial Trans–Antarctic Expedition (1914–17) see Endurance Expedition
International Hydrographic Bureau 4–5, 7–8
Japanese Navy, Imperial 30
Jeffryes, Sidney 122
Johansen, Hjalmar 173
Juan Fernández Islands 22
Killer whales 129–130
king penguin 22, 59, 63–65, 67, 69–74
Lashly, William 131
Leenards, Gerda 38
Lehg II (yacht) 77, 79, 80, 83
leopard seal 129–130
Lewis, David 81
Ice Bird (yacht) 81
light–mantled sooty albatross 104–105
Mackay, Alistair 117–118, 118
Macquarie Island 59–66, 67–71, 175
ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) 60
king penguins 22, 59, 63–65, 68, 69–74
Hatch, Joseph 63–65
penguin oil industry 63–65, 64
pest eradication 65–66
sealing industry 61–63
wildlife sanctuary 65–66
Malone, R.E. (naval officer) 34
Marshall, Eric 126, 128
Mawson, Douglas 113–115, 116–122
Aurora (ship) 119, 122
Australasian Antarctic Expedition (1911–14) 64–65, 114–115, 119–122, 121
Discovery Expedition (1929–30) 30
hut, Cape Denison 113, 114–115, 119
Macquarie Island, visit to 64–65
sp; Shackleton expedition (1908–09) 114–115, 117–118
south magnetic pole, attempts to reach 117, 119–120, 127
McMurdo Sound 123–130, 160–164, 175
Cape Royds 123, 124, 125–126
McMurdo Station (American) 141, 144
Crary Lab 161–164
Mercer, John 159–160
on fossil fuel consumption 159
paper in Nature magazine 159
merganser (duck) 51, 53–57
extinction 54–57
specimens 55–57
Mertz, Xavier 119–120
memorial to 121
Milanković, Milutin 163
Earth’s climate, theory on 163
Moitessier, Bernard 81–83, 82
Long Way, The (book) 82
Mount Erebus 142, 143
Nansen, Fridtjof 96, 101–102
North Pole, attempt to drift over 96
Fram (ship) 96, 97, 101–102, 167, 173
New Zealand
Antarctic Programme 144
Department of Conservation 38
government 25, 28–29, 31
ships see vessels
Wildlife Service 56
Nimrod Expedition see British Antarctic Expedition (1907–09)
Nobile, Umberto 174
airship designed by 174
North Pole, attempts to reach 96, 101–102, 167, 169, 173–174
Oates, Lawrence 152
Ogilvie–Grant, William 55
Palmer, Jonathan 50
Proclamation Island see Bounty Islands
Adélie 16, 124, 128–130, 135, 136
emperor 69, 71
erect–crested 15
king 22, 59, 63–65, 67, 69–74
oil industry 63–65, 64
Perseverance Harbour 28
pest eradication see Macquarie Island
Placemaker I (Hammond painting) 37
Ponting, Herbert 151
Quest Expedition see Shackleton–Rowett Expedition (1921–22)
Ranfurly, Lord 46–47, 47, 50, 54–57
bird collecting 54–55
Campbell Island, visit to 46–47
Renner, Martin 25–26
Roosevelt Island 172–173
Ross, James Clark 117
Ross Ice Shelf 138–139, 140–146, 148–154, 159, 163–164
Bay of Whales 167–168, 172–173
Byrd, Richard 173
camping on 148–154
climate records 159–164
flag trail 137
hut 138–146, 145
Ross Sea 99–101, 167, 175
Roosevelt Island 172–173
royal albatross 40, 90, 105
Russian seamen 71, 106, 107–110
Sale, Roger 25–26
Salvin’s albatross 14–15, 16
Schulze, Anja 25–26
Scott, Robert Falcon 39, 118–119, 124–125, 131–132, 133, 135
death 133
Discovery Expedition (1901–04) 124
memorial cairn 153
publication of journals 133
Terra Nova Expedition (1910–13) 119, 151
Scott Base (New Zealand) 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 155
A–frame hut 138–139, 142, 144, 145, 146
Scott’s Last Expedition (book) 133
crabeater 131–133
elephant 59, 60, 62, 63
fur industry 61–63
inland migration of 131–133
leopard 129–130
Weddell 130, 131–132
Second World War see coastwatchers
Shackleton, Ernest 39, 124–127, 133–136
South Pole, attempt to reach 118, 126–127
British Antarctic Expedition (1908–09) 115, 117
Discovery Expedition (1901–04) 124
death 135
Endurance Expedition (1914–17) 134, 134
hut at Cape Royds 123, 124–129, 126
Nimrod (ship) 117, 128
Quest Expedition (1921–22) 135
return to England 133
Shackleton–Rowett Expedition (1921–22) 135
Sitka spruce 43, 45–50
sooty shearwater 22
Sorensen, Jack 30
see also coastwatchers
south magnetic pole 115–118, 119, 122
South Pole (south geographic pole) 126, 133, 152, 159, 166, 170–171, 171
southern giant petrel 22
Southern Ocean 4–11
boundaries 5
currents 9–10
sea ice 10
tourism 175
wind 6–9
Stella (ship) 17
Sutton Ninnis, Belgrave Edward 119–120
memorial to 121
Symmes, John 157–158
gravestone 157
hollow Earth theory 157–158
Thomson, Bob 144
Terra Nova Expedition (1910–13) 119, 151
tourism 175
birders 14–15, 56–58, 70, 72
guiding 14, 89
Turbott, Graham 29–30, 31–33, 34–36
Year Away (book) 31
see also coastwatchers
Underwood, James 61–62
Endurance 134
Fantome 34
Fram 101, 167, 173
Hinemoa 46, 55
Joshua 82
Ketiga 21
New Golden Hind 31
Nimrod 117, 128
Professor Khromov 85, 101
Ranui 29, 30, 32–33
Totorore 21–25, 22, 24
Turakina 28
Vogel, Stephen 49
Weddell seal 130, 131–132
West Antarctic Ice Sheet 159, 163–164
White Island 147
Wild, Frank 126, 128
Wilkes, Charles 117
Williams, Murray 54–55
Wilson, Edward 124, 152, 152
Wisting, Oscar 171, 173
Zimmermann, Martin 48